Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Goal for Today

Today I will be shopping with my daughter and I will also be on a mission. My mission for today is to not only enjoy the freedom that I have to spend time with my daughter, shop for her birthday, and to pretty much do as I please; but also to thank any man or woman in uniform that I might have the good fortune to meet. I try very hard to not take for granted the dedication and sacrifice of our military and their families. But like most folks, I sometimes just don't think to say those two simple words that should be said so much more often...THANK YOU.

This is the military man in our family. His name is Jeremy and I am very proud to call him my nephew. (Sorry I don't have a pic of him in uniform.)

So please, if you're out and about today and you see a member of our armed services, express your gratitude for their service to our country. You just might make someone's day. :)