Thursday, January 24, 2013

Half Done

Seems like there are lots of things 
in my life right now 
that are only about half done.

The snow day we're enjoying today?
Only about halfway earned.
We barely have any snow at all!
But it's super cold and I guess 
there is some ice on the roads.
 (The above pic is actually an old one...we don't have quite
that much snow right now.
Can't post a new pic because Photobucket is having issues.)

Cleaning and organizing the kitchen?
About half done.

Sorting/weeding out the junk
in the spare bedroom?
About half done. 

Getting over this upper respiratory infection?
About half done.

Yes, it finally got me.
Made it through the holidays without
falling ill and that was my goal,
but I should have known
something would eventually attack me.
Don't get me wrong...
I've had far worse sickness in the past
than what I'm dealing with at the moment.
I can't really complain because
the worst of it lasted only 
a couple of days.
I got started on an antibiotic
just about the time my ears became 
involved and I think I caught it early enough.
My biggest issue now is an 
annoying cough during the night.
This, too, shall pass.

Hoping to soon be back to full energy
and ready to tackle the other half
of all those tasks that have
been put on hold lately.
I guess half done is better than
not even started, huh?  ;)