Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Beautiful, Snowy Thankful Thursday!

Today, when thinking with a thankful heart,
these are the things that come to mind:

*This peaceful, snowy pajama day at home with the kids. We are snowed in and it is BEAUTIFUL out there, warm and cozy in here; with the Christmas tree all aglow and the aromas of yesterday's baking still filling the air.

*Josh Groban's soulful voice singing my favorite Christmas carols.
*Norman Rockwell
*Currier and Ives

*All my sweet memories of Christmases past.
(Yes, that's me in the front. The toothless wonder!)

*My Daddy. Even though I miss him more than words can say, I know how blessed I am to have had him for the 32 years that I did.

*All the lovely posts I've been reading on your blogs. The ones that touch my heart, make me giggle, give me reason to think.


I have a whole lot of reasons to be thankful!
How 'bout you? : )