Boy oh boy, was that ever a mistake.
After peeling my shin like a Chiquita banana and bleeding fiercely enough to soak a bath towel, I finally managed to get it under control. Then, in a frenzied fit brought on by Mom’s knock at the bathroom door, I stashed the blood soaked towel in the bottom of the trash can, covered it with the preexisting garbage, and proceeded to use medical tape to affix cotton balls to my wound. I just knew they would absorb more blood than gauze pads or Band Aids. Thanks to long pants and a stiff upper lip, no one knew of my pain and suffering.
That is, until I discovered that cotton balls hadn’t been my best option. I figured out that little tidbit the next day when I decided I’d probably better change the dressing. I learned two valuable lessons during this very trying time:
1. Safety razor is a misnomer. Deadly weapon would be far more fitting.
2. It takes a great pair of tweezers, steady hands, and as long as 6 hours total to pick from an open 6” x ½” wound all the fuzzy little cotton fibers left behind by a half dozen large cotton balls.
Mom learned a lesson, too: Raising her third and final child was going to be a more far more daunting task than either of the first two! ; )
Happy Mother's Day!
Hope you all have a fantastic Mother's Day weekend!
If you still have your mom, make some memories.
If not, celebrate her memory.
If you are a mom, bask in the glory of knowing
that you have the greatest job on earth!