*My friend Charessa is doing so well! :) She is a walking, talking miracle of God. Thank you all so much for your prayers and please continue to remember Charessa and her family because she still has a long road ahead of her.
*The kiddies are back in school. Their first day was Friday (why on earth would they start school on a Friday?) and I managed to snap a quick photo with my phone on our way out the door. TOTALLY forgot to break out the camera. So much for Mother of the Year. ;)
Perri (12 yrs. old/8th grade) and Tucker (8 yrs. old/3rd grade)
*The kiddies are back in school. Their first day was Friday (why on earth would they start school on a Friday?) and I managed to snap a quick photo with my phone on our way out the door. TOTALLY forgot to break out the camera. So much for Mother of the Year. ;)

As you can tell, they have trouble posing for a serious shot. ;) But hey, I'd rather have happy-go-lucky kids than buttoned-down geeks like I was. ; )
*I got a very special package in the mail from our very own Rita of Grammy's Sweet Nothings.
She was having a giveaway to celebrate her 100th post and in the end she decided to send something to everyone who posted on her giveaway thread! How cool is that? Rita is a very special lady and if you haven't visited her blog, you really should go take a peek. Here is what I received from her:
*I got a very special package in the mail from our very own Rita of Grammy's Sweet Nothings.
She was having a giveaway to celebrate her 100th post and in the end she decided to send something to everyone who posted on her giveaway thread! How cool is that? Rita is a very special lady and if you haven't visited her blog, you really should go take a peek. Here is what I received from her:

A handmade potholder, several handwritten recipe cards, adorable bookmarks, and a sachet. Isn't that sweet? :)
*Fall sports season has begun, so I am once again running Mom's Taxi to and from practices. Tucker is playing fall baseball
and Perri decided to give volleyball a try.
After a week of tryouts, she found out on Friday that she had made the team. :) I can only hope I find it much more interesting than track. ;)
*Fall sports season has begun, so I am once again running Mom's Taxi to and from practices. Tucker is playing fall baseball

{ Just PLEASE don't make that face! You'll hurt my feelings. ;) }
No more staying away for so long. You can count on it...tomorrow,