There is always the obvious, but of course you know I'm thankful for my family, a roof over my head, food on the table, etc. Those are gimmes. I want to focus a little more attention on the things we may not always see with thankful hearts. Those little things that sometimes slip through the cracks. Remember, it's all in your outlook. : )
Today I am grateful that it is gray, drizzly and somewhat gloomy outside. Honestly, I am! We need this kind of day from time to time. I think it forces some of us to slow down a little and realize that we can't go full steam ahead indefinitely.

I also happen to think it is beautiful. I'm looking out my window at the fog settled into the nooks and crannies, providing an eerily pretty backdrop for the bare trees. Well, most are bare. There is one lone pin oak still sporting her ordinarily drab, brown, autumn leaves there in the midst of it all. But today, with all the dreariness surrounding her, she has taken on an almost reddish glow there in the gloom. So there, you see, is proof that everything can be beautiful when seen in the right situation with grateful eyes. : )
Today I am also grateful for warm and cozy throws,
hot spiced cider and good books.
hot spiced cider and good books.