It's Monday again! I think this sums it up well for some of us...

Personally, I don't mind Monday so much.
It's a brand new week!
A brand new start!
Let's make the most of it! :)
And now on to the miscellany...
It's a brand new week!
A brand new start!
Let's make the most of it! :)
And now on to the miscellany...
*Perri made me very proud on Trick or Treat night. Her 4H club was offered the chance to visit the nursing home to help the residents there hand out candy to local trick-or-treaters. It would count toward their community service time, but it was sort of last minute and Perri had already made plans with some of her friends. I told her she had to make a choice because it was impossible to do both. Well, after much thought and with some amount of 'I really don't want to do this but I guess I will because you're gonna make me feel guilty if I don't' (Hey! All the good moms do that! ;) ), she decided to go to the nursing home. And then she was very glad that she did. :) She even left there saying that if her fashion design career were to bomb, she'd seriously consider working with the elderly. ;) That's my girl. :)
*It's November 1st. Where on EARTH did November come from all at once? How did it get here so quickly? WOW! Time to start planning Thanksgiving! I think Brie loves Thanksgiving even more than Christmas (or at least almost more) and she is excited to get busy with it. We don't change up the menu too much since we feel like Thanksgiving is very much about tradition, but we do like to try one or two new dishes each year. I typically leave that up to Brie because she is a very good cook and she's somewhat adventurous with it at times.
*I'm probably jinxing myself by telling this, but here goes...
There is no diet Dr. Pepper in my house. I drank the last one yesterday.

Well, I shall start drinking this instead:

I don't need the caffeine. I know this.
And I don't even think it's the caffeine that has me hooked.
It's the BURN.
I'm addicted to carbonation and this sparkling water should be just the ticket!
And I don't even think it's the caffeine that has me hooked.
It's the BURN.
I'm addicted to carbonation and this sparkling water should be just the ticket!
I may still get the caffeine withdrawal headache for the first three days (I always do) and I may miss the flavor of my diet Dr., but I need to do this. This water has no dyes, no sugar, no caffeine and no sodium. It HAS to be better for me than all that pop! Not to mention the money I'll save. So wish me luck.
*I have some menu planning to do today and some odds and ends around the house. This evening begins a week of basketball tryouts for Perri and it's also Tucker's Cub Scout meeting, so dinner will be eaten on the fly. Need to figure out something quick and simple but also hot and filling. This will be the coolest day we've had for a while!
That's about it for my miscellany today. I hope you all have a terrific Monday! Stop by carissa graham's and link up to share your miscellany, too! : )
Better yet, wish my family luck.
They're the ones who have to live with me during withdrawals. ;)
They're the ones who have to live with me during withdrawals. ;)
*I have some menu planning to do today and some odds and ends around the house. This evening begins a week of basketball tryouts for Perri and it's also Tucker's Cub Scout meeting, so dinner will be eaten on the fly. Need to figure out something quick and simple but also hot and filling. This will be the coolest day we've had for a while!
That's about it for my miscellany today. I hope you all have a terrific Monday! Stop by carissa graham's and link up to share your miscellany, too! : )