Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Climbing Over the Hump

Perri is at band camp this week.  Her feet hurt (from marching), her lips are bruised (from playing her trumpet so much), the food is bad (so far I've delivered Hot Pockets, Timbits, iced vanilla coffee and Burger King fries and shake) and I worry about her in being out in this heat so much.

Tucker spent the night at Brie's and will stay there today to swim.  (Guess he has it pretty good.)

Phil is at this horrendous heat.  Temps in the mid 90s but will feel like well over 100.  With the high humidity it's like breathing soup. 

My shoulder is acting up.  Again.  Don't think I'm up to tackling the housework that needs done.  It will just have to wait another day.

I think my Humpday will consist of putting together a pan of lasagna and reading on my Kindle. 

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.  ; )

So what is in store for you on this hot and humid Humpday?