Monday, January 16, 2012

An 'Off' Day

That's what today has been.  The kids were off school.  We were off our usual schedule.  And now I'm feeling a bit off my rocker.  ; )

I spent most of today in the dreaded spare room.  Did lots of sorting, lots of trashing, lots of stacking, lots of deciding what goes and what stays.  I'm pleased to say that there is a great deal of stuff GOING. I am taking off the rest of the evening, getting the remainder of the house tidied up a bit, and then spending some time with the family.  The Hubster has Perri at a batting lesson and on the way home they are picking up pizza, TYVM.  This makes my evening much simpler than if I had to cook and will give me a chance to relax before an even busier day tomorrow.  My Tuesday will be jam packed and it has nothing to do with the spare room, therefore it will have to wait until at least Wednesday before it sees any further action. 

Not a very interesting or exciting post today but  I promise I'll try to do better later in the week.  I'm just not feeling very interesting or exciting myself at the moment!  ; ) 

We all have those days, right?