Thursday, March 11, 2010

It Takes a Heap o' Livin' to Make a House a Home

The title of this post is a line from one of my favorite Edgar Guest poems. I've posted about him before here. If you aren't familiar with Mr. Guest's work, please take a peek here and see what all the fuss is about. In my opinion, Edgar Guest did for poetry what Norman Rockwell did for art. :)

The little Heap o' Livin' line is going to make its way into my parlor. You see, I've always wanted to put it on this wall:

This is actually a very poor photo of the area, I'm afraid. We have 9' ceilings downstairs and I didn't take the picture with this post in mind. The wall words would actually be up higher, above the shuttered mirror, closer to the ceiling. The area looks so bare and bland in this pic, too! I took this while I was in the process of getting the room back together after having our floors refinished, so it was still a work in progress. Aside from all that, the walls are yellow. I'm not sure what color they appear to be on your monitor, but on mine they are not yellow. Ewwww!

Anyway....back to the subject at hand.

Have you ever priced this type of lettering for your walls?

Due to ceiling height, I need to use 5" or 6" letters.

It was going to cost an and a
or perhaps my firstborn. That would be Drew.

I checked with him and he wasn't receptive to that idea.

And then...

My daughter Brie was given a plotter. She has started cutting lettering and decals for businesses, fundraisers and private use. So....


I'm a little excited. Can ya tell?


  1. I love to see re-do's, so I'll be watching for your new LETTERING...Nope, the yellow wall doesn't show up. I have the same issues with the photos I post. Hmmm.

  2. Yes, I believe that you are a little excited and I understand why! By the way, your floors are gorgeous! Love them.

    Also wanted to say thank you for your kind words about my mom. I can't believe it's been five years.

    I count you as one of my blessings!

  3. What a great quote. And, since I love Norman Rockwell so much, you can bet I'll be checking out Edgar Guest. Thanks for sharing. And, oh my - those floors are gorgeous!

  4. I love when things work should be excited. Can't wait to see the results.

  5. This sounds so exciting!!! I can see why you just can't wait! Awesome post! Hugs, Coralie


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