Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Fantasy

Today is dreary, damp and gray.

I have laundry and other housework to do.

I have errands to run.

There are various odds and ends I need to handle, too.
And I will.
I'm a
git 'er done
kinda gal.

But really now...

So I think I'll just give in to fantasy for a few minutes.

Everyone fantasizes from time to time.
Somewhere you'd like to be, something you'd like to do or someone you'd like to's all good fantasy fodder.
So here are my fantasies for today.
I am sharing them with you.
Feel free to gaze longingly at these photos and create your own fantasies as well.
I'm generous like that. ; )

And the ultimate fantasy...

How about you? Tell me all about your secret little fantasies! ; )

*BTW, I am proudly participating in Kristin's Pick of the Patch for this week. Stop by her place and check out all the participants! Click here to see my entry for the week. : )
Windy Poplars