And not a clue as to what we wanted to do.

Isn't that the way it always goes?
Anyway, I grabbed my camera on the way out the door in case we went somewhere photo-worthy. He had received a Chili's gift card on Grandparents' Day and mentioned going there while we were out, but said we could go anywhere after that.
Well, I thought about a place I had visited as a child with my sister and her family. She was married when I was 11 months old and she and her husband took me pretty much everywhere they took their own kids while we were growing up. (I'm less than 3 years older than my oldest nephew!)
I remember going on picnics from time to time on pretty weekends, and one of the places we would go was Kanawha State Forest. It isn't like it's a terribly long drive for us to get there (maybe an hour from where I live now) but it just isn't somewhere that we think to go. And today I was in the mood to be out and away from civilization. I wanted to see nothing but trees and perhaps a stream meandering through them. I wanted sunshine, blue skies, cool fall air and peaceful surroundings.
Well, obviously there were a lot of other folks with that same thought today because Kanawha State Forest was a really busy spot. Still, we had a leisurely drive through the park with windows rolled down and radio turned off. It was nice.

Since we never actually stopped the car because there was no area free of other visitors, this is the only pic I managed to take that wasn't blurry. It gives you some idea of what a beautiful day it was here in WV, but I promise to do my best to get some REALLY GOOD pics in a couple of weeks when our fall colors paint the landscape. It is the BEST time to be in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia! : )