Anywho, Lauren has a little thing called Fill in the Blank Friday and I decided to play along today. (She uses a different pic each week so there is no code to C&P. If you decide to play along, just save the pic to your hard drive and use it with your post.)
So here we go. My first Fill in the Blank Friday. : )

1. The first thing I do in the morning to start my day is check my email and FB on my iPhone...before I even get out of bed. Is that an addiction or what???
2. Today I wish I was at the Bob Evans Farm Festival with my son's school. Unfortunately he is STILL sick and is having to miss out on yet another fun thing with his classmates. :( Hoping his asthma decides to leave him alone and that he can go back to school on Monday.
3. If I had an extra $100 in my bank account today I would Take a couple of my favorite people to a movie. That would include huge, buttery buckets of popcorn; boxes of Goobers, Raisinettes and Hot Tamales; THE WORKS!
4. Tomorrow I'll spend the morning helping my daughter prepare for my grandson's birthday party on Sunday and then possibly working at the band festival at our local high school. Much depends upon how Tucker Man is feeling at that point in time.
5. Two things that don't go together are fall and allergies. Not for me and not for my Tucker Man. :( It's my favorite time of year but the allergens that come with it could stay away indefinitely!
6. Something I can never pass up at the grocery store is bread. Lots and lots of bread. Rolls, loaves, garlic breads, dark breads, light name it. Bread is my Kryptonite. It brings me to my knees. It weakens my defenses. Unfortunately, it also pads my hips.
7. The last time I tried something new was WOW. I have no idea. What exactly does that say about me? Is my life that...predictable? I do believe I need some spontaneity, folks! I need to find something new and exciting to try! I'll let you know when I find the time to do that. ; )