It just seems appropriate to blog about 'flashbacks' today. Yesterday I got into a great conversation with some friends on Facebook regarding things that instantly take us back to our childhoods. My friend Holli was reminiscing about boxes of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that her mom used to bring home and her anxiety over the possibility of not getting her fair share once her siblings spotted them! ; ) Isn't it funny the things we remember?
Holli's flashback brought about one of my own. And it involves these:

Oh how I LOVED these things!
When I was young Saturday Night Wrestling was on a local television station and my Daddy loved to watch. Wrestling wasn't really my favorite thing, but spending time with my Daddy was so I would beg to watch with him. : ) Trouble was, Saturday Night Wrestling didn't come on until 11:30 at night, after the local news. I'd be tucked into bed by 9:30 or 10:00 o'clock but I could hear the television playing in the other room and the hushed voices of my parents. And I would not go to sleep.
Then my mother would finish up her nightly routine of listening to the news headlines with Daddy, straightening up around the house and making sure the kitchen was all cleaned up and ready for breakfast the next morning. Once everything was in order, she made her way to bed. But the muted sounds of the television and Daddy's heavy footsteps would still penetrate my bedroom door as he finished the local news and then made his way to the kitchen for a snack.
And I waited anxiously to see hear the squeaky hinges of my bedroom door being opened.
You see, Daddy and I had a routine. Once Mom had enough time to fall asleep, Daddy would grab the snacks and then let me know the coast was clear. The thin sliver of light coming through my not-quite-closed door would grow wide as Daddy pushed it open and his silhouette filled the doorway. He didn't have to say a word. I would scramble out of bed and follow him to the living room where I would crawl onto his lap as the voice of Shirley Love would announce that it was time for Saturday Night Wrestling to begin!
As I said before, the wrestling wasn't what it was all about for me. It was daddy/daughter time first and foremost, and it had the added benefit of being snack time! These Pizza Spins were our very favorite. For years I could find no one who could remember these little snack crackers and I was afraid I had imagined them! But it seems they do have a cult following. Check out this link. : )
It was like the ultimate in rule-breaking for a 6 or 7 year old child! My teeth were already brushed and I was supposed to be sleeping soundly. I can even remember a couple of occasions when, despite our best efforts to keep quiet, Mom came walking in and caught me out of bed and EATING AT MIDNIGHT!!!

But I survived.
And it also left me with some terrific memories. : )
Then my mother would finish up her nightly routine of listening to the news headlines with Daddy, straightening up around the house and making sure the kitchen was all cleaned up and ready for breakfast the next morning. Once everything was in order, she made her way to bed. But the muted sounds of the television and Daddy's heavy footsteps would still penetrate my bedroom door as he finished the local news and then made his way to the kitchen for a snack.
And I waited anxiously to see hear the squeaky hinges of my bedroom door being opened.
You see, Daddy and I had a routine. Once Mom had enough time to fall asleep, Daddy would grab the snacks and then let me know the coast was clear. The thin sliver of light coming through my not-quite-closed door would grow wide as Daddy pushed it open and his silhouette filled the doorway. He didn't have to say a word. I would scramble out of bed and follow him to the living room where I would crawl onto his lap as the voice of Shirley Love would announce that it was time for Saturday Night Wrestling to begin!
As I said before, the wrestling wasn't what it was all about for me. It was daddy/daughter time first and foremost, and it had the added benefit of being snack time! These Pizza Spins were our very favorite. For years I could find no one who could remember these little snack crackers and I was afraid I had imagined them! But it seems they do have a cult following. Check out this link. : )
It was like the ultimate in rule-breaking for a 6 or 7 year old child! My teeth were already brushed and I was supposed to be sleeping soundly. I can even remember a couple of occasions when, despite our best efforts to keep quiet, Mom came walking in and caught me out of bed and EATING AT MIDNIGHT!!!

But I survived.
And it also left me with some terrific memories. : )