Second birthday party for Hayden yesterday was a HUGE success! : ) That little guy is so loved! This is a little of the scenery surrounding the building where Brie had his party. Isn't it gorgeous there?

This place is only 7 miles from my house and yet I'd never been there. I'll definitely keep it in mind for future parties.
Also went on a hayride. WOW! 44 years old and I finally get to go on a hayride! Gerrod, a friend of Josh and Brie's, hooked up his tractor to their hay wagon, threw on a few bales of hay, and loaded up everyone who wanted to go! It was AWESOME! Beautiful scenery and don't ya know....I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!

Anyway, I have a crazy week ahead. Tons of running back and forth to Charleston (1 doc appointment, a mammogram and picking up my Mom), then running Mom to her doc's appointment and a hair appointment up here before driving her back home on Thursday evening. Plus on Wednesday, after having already driven to Charleston that morning, I'll be driving back down there and then even further down the road to Perri's volleyball game in Winfield.
I have phone calls to make (Shannon, I PROMISE I'll call you before the day is out!), 160+ birthday treat bags to put together for PTO, a Cub Scout meeting to get Tucker to as soon as school lets out, and I have to pick up Perri at school and get her fed before her volleyball game this evening. At least it's at home.
Anyone know how to clone? I'd almost be willing to give it a shot! However, I'm not sure the world is ready for two of me. ; )