On housework.
On decluttering.
And I have a terrible need to catch up. I'm hoping this means that I'm working my way out of the funk I've been experiencing for the past few months and that I'm ready to get busy around here!
Someone PLEASE give me a good swift kick!

I've been visiting some websites I've used in the past for ideas to jump start my cleaning/decluttering/organizing. Have you ever visited here? It is a terrific website with so many great printables to help keep you on track. I'm going to spend some time there in the next few days printing off the lists that I think will help me the most and then I'm actually going to put those lists in a binder and USE THEM!

(Please, close your mouth. I'm shocked, too.)
The monthly meal planner I am using right now (still in a trial phase, but going well!) is making my life a little easier. It's nice to plan ahead and know what's for dinner most days. I don't want to plan every aspect of a meal for every single day of the month, but I do like to have a basic idea. I'm still flexible and I'm not unwilling to go with Plan B when I'm not in the mood for whatever is on the menu for that particular day. I just like having an idea and knowing I have the ingredients on hand because planning meals also means planning grocery shopping.
How about you? Do you have any tips, tricks or secrets you want to share regarding how you do it all? If you've blogged about it in the past, leave me a link to the post. I'd love to see what works for you! I'm realistic. I know that what works for me doesn't necessarily work for everyone and vice versa, but there are often ways to adapt a plan to fit your own needs, too!
I want so much to be less like this tired, frazzled, overwhelmed version of me:

And more like this organized, capable version of me that I know is hiding deep down in there somewhere:
How about you? Do you have any tips, tricks or secrets you want to share regarding how you do it all? If you've blogged about it in the past, leave me a link to the post. I'd love to see what works for you! I'm realistic. I know that what works for me doesn't necessarily work for everyone and vice versa, but there are often ways to adapt a plan to fit your own needs, too!
I want so much to be less like this tired, frazzled, overwhelmed version of me:

And more like this organized, capable version of me that I know is hiding deep down in there somewhere:
I KNOW there is a Donna Reed inside of me,
just begging to come out!
So here it goes. The race is on. Time to make the donuts.
(And clean the house, get rid of junk we don't need, organize what stays, etc.)
(And clean the house, get rid of junk we don't need, organize what stays, etc.)